Why Teach?

 Why Teach?

As a little girl becoming a teacher had always been my dream. I remember there were days I'd come from

school, and just get so excited to come home to pretend I was a teacher. I would get my own assignments

from school, and pretend I was teaching to my stuffed animals. As the years went by I just grew older, and

the dream of wanting to become a teacher just grew more and more as the years went by. Now being a

freshman in college Its just so amazing how so close I am to my dream career. It really Is amazing. I'm

majoring in elementary education, and it is something I'm very excited for. Teaching has always been a

dream but also working with kids is such a special thing. Kids are very special and being able to have the

opportunity to teach them is a privilege. So yes working with kids is something I look forward too. Now

talking about subjects, my favorite subject that I truly have a passion for has to be math. Math has always

been such fun to me. Just the solving problems, figuring out how to solve it and the correct way excited

me so much. The getting your mind to think was very fun at times. A teacher that definitely motivated me

more to become a teacher was my high school algebra teacher. She always was there for her stifdents,

never gave up and always explained the lessons so well. The way she taught us algebra was so fun. She

not only took the time to show us but she had the passion for teaching and that is what matters. I want to

have that same passion for my future students one day!

As I had mentioned earlier in the first paragraph my major is in early education, so a grade level I would

like to teach would be 3rd-5th grade. I would love to teach any subjects to my students, but a subject that

I'd love would most likely be math. It's just a fun subject to learn. Teaching math is fun, and all it takes is a

teacher who has the passion to teach something they love. So why teach you may say? let me tell you why.

Teaching is such a privilege and mostly even if you're going into the education for elementary. Some may

say why teach elementary? Well because I have the passion and love for those future students, for my

future careers and for my future classroom. Teaching has been my dream since I was a small little girl, and

I want to be that teacher, who never gives up on her students. Who will be there for them, and help them

when they need help in a math problem or in anything. A teacher is someone who will always be there for

her students, and someone who will teach kids with love and passion for what they're teaching, and that is

why I want to teach. As I've graduated high school, I just am very thankful for all the teachers that I've

had in my years of going to school. Those teachers helped me, not only learn my material but learn to love

being a teacher, and that Is what one day I look forward too, so that is

why I want to teach.


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