The Greatest Impact On Me As An Educator!


The greatest impact on me as an educator :


 October. 5, 2022

As I am now in college, and studying to become an elementary school teacher I am taking my education course and it has been for one so interesting. I have learned many new ways of teaching and subjects that fully get you to think and understand more your students. I have always enjoyed school and there are teachers throughout the years that have really impacted me and made me who I am today. The greatest impact on me as an educator had to have been my freshman year of high school with my algebra 1 math teacher. I had just entered high school and I was so scared, and math was my first class of the day and my teacher was so welcoming even when we were a nervous she made our classroom feel so safe and comfortable. She teached every subject to us clear and well. Anytime I would have a problem on a question she would help us and guide us right away. No matter what my teacher never gave up on any of us. I have always loved math, but my teacher in high school really impacted me to love teaching more and not only do it because I love to teach but to do it because you want to help your students to guide them and be there for them. I want to an educator that will create a safe and welcoming environment for every one of my students. I want to be that teacher that my students one day say she never gave hp on me and always fully taught us and loved what she was doing. That is what my teacher was. She was fully on board any time to help each and everyone of her students. Now as an adult and studying to be a teacher one day is so exciting and really makes me happy. I have dreamed of this day to finally come and I am so thankful for every teacher that I have had throughout my years of school from kinder to twelfth grade, and now to college. Teachers play such an important role in our lives, and I cannot wait to be that teacher that will impact my future students life for the better one day. Just like my teachers have impacted me to be who I am today and have been there for me also I want to be the same for my future students one day. Who will create a safe place for them to speak and think how they feel and make learning fun for them. To enjoy coming to school each day !


  1. Hi Gabriella,
    As I read your post, I can also agree that I am enjoying learning some of the ins and outs of the educational process. I can also relate to you when you talk about your first high school freshman teacher. My first freshman teacher was very comforting, welcoming, and empathetic to our nervous feelings. She took a great amount of time to make a relationship with each and every one of her students. This impacted me very deeply since it was a new and anxious experience, but my teacher makes me forget about those agitated doubts and make me feel like a home away from home. Though my first period teacher was very welcoming, some of the others were not. That’s why I think that it is so important to create a good first bond with your students you're going to be with for the rest of the year. Teachers do leave an important mark on everyone's lives, whether its negative or positive, there is always a lesson to be taken away.

  2. Hello Gabriella,
    I enjoyed reading your post. It is great that we can look back and reminiscence that we all had that one teacher who impacted our lives in the best way. For me, I think sometimes society forgets that teachers are actually heroes because they don't often get a lot of praise for their work. I believe a teacher impacts knowledge, good values and challenges their students to be the best version of themselves. Those are the teachers that kids will remember forever. I still think about one of my favorite elementary school teachers from Kindergarten, because she had all of the characteristics that you mentioned in your post.

  3. Hi Gabriella, I love the inspiration that your teacher has given you. I feel like I had many teachers that inspired me as well. I am very glad that you were able to have the experience of having an inspiring teacher. There are not many of those kinds of teachers in schools. I feel like there are so many different ways of teaching that most future educators do not know about. I am glad that you have learned about various teaching styles and subjects. I think teachers are viewed in a different perspective when they have impacted a student because the student will never be able to forget the words or life lesson that the teacher impacted them with. I also had a teacher in middle school that impacted my life. She taught English and she impacted the lives of many other students. She is the reason I want to become a teacher.


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